The Glory Of God In Suffering And Death | John 11:1–16

Passage: John 11:1–16

Sermon Summary:

In this powerful sermon, we explore the profound faith and trust in God’s sovereignty demonstrated by Horatio Spafford, the author of the beloved hymn “It Is Well with My Soul,” and the biblical story of Lazarus from John 11. Despite experiencing immense personal tragedy, Spafford’s unwavering faith serves as a testament to the peace that comes from trusting in God’s divine plan. Similarly, the story of Lazarus reveals how Jesus intentionally allowed suffering to unfold to reveal God’s glory and strengthen the faith of those involved.

We are reminded that God’s timing and purposes are perfect, even when they involve pain and hardship. Our trials are not in vain; they are opportunities for God to refine our character and increase our hope. As believers, we are called to trust in God’s promises, knowing that He is with us in the midst of our suffering and will ultimately bring us through. Join us as we delve into these stories of faith and find encouragement to keep our eyes fixed on Christ, the resurrection and the life, who offers us eternal hope and peace.

#FaithInSuffering #TrustInGod #ItIsWellWithMySoul #Lazarus #GodsSovereignty #ChristianFaith #HopeInChrist #PeaceInTrials #SermonSeries #BiblicalTeaching

YouTube Formatted Chapters
00:00 – Pre-sermon
00:00 – The Sorrow of Horatio Spafford
04:45 – What Trust in God’s Sovereign Plans For Your Life
14:36 – John’s Story of Mary and Lazarus
24:04 – John 3: The Glory of God
28:03 – How Jesus Loved Martha and Mary and Lazarus
38:14 – Jesus’ Message on Light and Darkness
44:37 – Jesus’ Reasons for Being Glad That Lazarus Is Dead
52:27 – Hebrews Chapter 1 Verse 15
53:57 – Jesus’ Love for Some but Not Others
58:34 – Thomas the Brave and Trials
01:05:07 – Jesus’ Death and Resurrection
01:10:15 – Post-sermon

Chapter Breakdown

The Sorrow of Horatio Spafford
Horatio Spafford lost four daughters when his ship sank in 1871
00:00 – 04:41
Horatio Spafford lost his son and fortune in the Chicago fire in 1871. He sent his wife and four daughters on a ship across the Atlantic to go to England. In twelve minutes, the entire ship was sunk, including all four of his daughters. He wrote words that have since become one of the most beloved christian hymns.

What Trust in God’s Sovereign Plans For Your Life
This modern day job like suffering story is a powerful demonstration of trusting faith
04:45 – 14:35
This modern day job like suffering story is one of the most profound examples of suffering in all of human experience. It is a powerful demonstration of what trust in God’s sovereign purposes in life looks like. The suffering becomes the vehicle through which God glorifies himself through your life and by your faith in him.

John’s Story of Mary and Lazarus
John tells us about Mary who anointed Jesus when his brother was ill
14:36 – 24:03
In verse two, John tells us Mary anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair. Other gospels also include a story about a certain unnamed, anonymous woman who anointed Jesus. What we’re told is something altogether shocking for us in the gospel of John.
John 3: The Glory of God

John is talking about God revealing his glory through the Son of God
24:04 – 28:01
In John, John is about the revelation of God’s glory sublimely and supremely through the incarnation and the crucifixion. He’s primarily talking about the glory of God revealed in the Son of God, who will unleash the supernatural resurrection power of Goddess by raising Lazarus from the dead. It will cause you to glorify God back in a way you’ve never done.
How Jesus Loved Martha and Mary and Lazarus

John makes explicit Jesus’ affection for Martha and Mary and Lazarus
28:03 – 38:13
Gospel writer John makes explicit the affection that Jesus has for the whole family. When he heard Lazarus was ill, he stayed two days longer in the place where he was. Why? Because if he stays another two days, this will ensure that Lazarus is beyond dead, deader than dead.

Jesus’ Message on Light and Darkness
Light versus darkness, walking in the day versus the night
38:14 – 44:32
In chapter nine, Jesus uses a metaphor, the contrast between light and darkness. He says the time is now for us to work while there’s light, because the darkness is coming and we won’t be able to. You can’t walk in the darkness. You need light.

Jesus’ Reasons for Being Glad That Lazarus Is Dead
John says Jesus tells the disciples plainly that Lazarus has died
44:37 – 52:25
When Jesus says he’s asleep, he’s talking about his death. They thought he meant taking rest in sleep. This shows a grander purpose in this suffering and death. As a result of this delay, there’ll be well beyond that two to three day spirit hovering period.

Hebrews 1;15
When you believe God, it brings him great joy, verse 15 says
52:27 – 53:54
verse 15: When you believe God, it brings him great joy. This might be the only place in all of scripture where we’re told that it brings God great joy when we trust in him. Do you want God to take great pleasure in your life, including when you’re suffering?

Jesus’ Love for Some but Not Others
John says Jesus had special affection and affinity for some but not others
53:57 – 58:30
Jesus had a special affection and affinity for some. He loves all sinners, but he loves some uniquely. You don’t have a responsibility as christians to be BFF’s with everyone. Make the time for those people whom God has put in your life.

Thomas the Brave and Trials
Brethren, when you fall into various trials and temptations, why
58:34 – 01:05:05
Paul: Just because God is letting you suffer and he tarries, it doesn’t mean that he is indifferent to your suffering and trial. What effect do trials and sufferings have? It is to produce character, to increase hope, to strengthen faith, to make us more like Christ. We’re called to trust and to have faith that his timing is perfect.

Jesus’ Death and Resurrection
Jesus resolve to go straight into the belly of the beast for the last time
01:05:07 – 01:10:15
The death of Lazarus proves Jesus love for this Bethany family, but the death of Jesus proves his love and the love of God for all of humanity. This death is depicted in a famous painting called the raising of Lazarus, which is painted by an Italian artist named Caravaggio around 1609. It serves as a powerful reminder of the goodness and glory of God, revealed through the evil of suffering.