
The Word Church L.A. in Montebello, CA

Sophocles, the famous ancient Greek dramatist wrote a play about a legendary king of Thebes from Greek mythology, called Oedipus Rex. Laius king of Thebes is warned by an oracle…
The World’s Strongest Man is an international strongman competition that’s been held every year since 1977, attracting some of the biggest, burliest, most beastly men on earth. The men who…
A number of years ago, in the 1970s, police in Delray Beach, Florida picked up a woman from a shopping mall known to her neighbors as \"Garbage Mary.\" Mary appeared…
4 years ago today, on January, 26, 2020 which was a Sunday, Kobe Bryant woke up, quickly got his 13-year old daughter Gigi ready, and rushed to catch the 7am…
A man told a story once about the unexpected lesson his friend had learned about the power of experiencing or seeing something firsthand or as close as possible to that—up…
In October of 2018, a consultant found alarming evidence of \"major structural damage\" to the concrete slab below the pool deck and \"abundant\" cracking and crumbling of the columns, beams,…
The Allied soldiers gathered many hungry, homeless children after World War II and placed them in large camps. The children were abundantly fed and cared for. However, at night they…
In 1858, Scottish missionary, John G. Paton went to the New Hebrides (now called Vanuatu) islands in the South Pacific, to bring the gospel to—to evangelize—the natives there who were…
Legendary ABC newscaster Paul Harvey who died in 2009 at the age of 90 told a remarkable story of God’s sovereign, providential care over thousands of allied prisoners during World…
A man named O. Henry wrote a short in 1905 that’s used a lot at Christmas time because of its moral lesson about gift-giving. And no, it’s not whom the…